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مدلهای جدید سطل آشغال

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مدلهای جدید سطل آشغال

Modern Trash Cans and Recycling Bins


مابقی مدلهای دیگر سطل آشغال را در ادامه مطلب ببینید.

Bin Bin Wastebasket

Designed by John Brauer, this modern trash bin looks exactly like the contents it is designed to contain, crushed paper

Bin Bin Wastebasket

Barcode Recycle Station

There is one bin for each type of recyclable material. Just scan the item in question and the appropriate bin will open automatically.

Barcode Recycle Station


Creative trash can designed by Stephan Hauser, useful for people who like to read on the toilet.

Dustbin Trash Can

Ovetto Recycling Bin

Named after the Italian word for ‘egg’, Ovetto bin offers three separate receptacles to make recycling easier and more organized.

Ovetto Recycling Bin

Fabriano Waste Paper Basket

Made entirely of recycled paper, waste basket consist of 50 disposable bags and when the bin is full you just have to extract the bag and throw it away, the layer beneath is ready to collect more paper.

Fabriano Waste Paper Basket

Tri3 Trash Can

Left pedal opens the top can. This can is for general discarding. Middle pedal makes the second can rotate around a decentered axe. This can is for packaging, plastic etc. Right pedal makes the last can move towards the user. The last can is for glass discarding.

Tri3 Trash Can

Top Hat Trash Can

Unfortunately, this top hat is not a magical item and white rabbit will not appear from it. However, it will make your trash disappear! [link]

Top Hat Trash Can


With its flexible wire frame, this elegant and very functional waste bin can hold plastic bag of any size. [link]


Star Wars R2-D2 Trash Can

This creative office sized trash can is imported from Japan and is an incredibly detailed replica of R2-D2. [link]

Star Wars R2-D2 Trash Can

Click Hybrid Trash Bin

Inspired by the aperture/iris action of a camera, Hyejin Lee designed a trash bin that features a button that allows you to open the mouth of the bin to an appropriate size. [link]

Click Hybrid Trash Bin

Easy Trash Bin

Wooden peg-based trash bin designed by Hung Ming Chen. [link]

Easy Trash Bin

Growing Bin

Modern trash bin by Young-min Heo has an adjustable set of concentric rings that expand vertically to accommodate more trash. [link]

Growing Bin

Coca-Cola Refresh Recycling Bin

Made entirely from recycled soda and water bottles, this bin is unique because it not only encourages people to recycle, it also showcases the exceptional design potential of recycled plastic. [link]

Coca-Cola Refresh Recycling Bin

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